Over the years, we have written and published quite a few texts around these topics (head-scratchers).
We keep the list and links up to date here.
- Skills & Work
- Participation & Cocreation
- Prototyping & System Change
- Complexity Mapping
- Smart City
Skills & work
- An Urban Future of Work Beyond the Labour Market (Eng), Medium “The Future of Work”, 2018
- The Future of Work in the Collaborative City (Eng), Medium “The Future of Work”, 2017
- Learning From Context - Building social competence from local knowledge (Eng), 2-pager for the Euler project publications, 2017
- Framework for Skills (Eng), for the Euler project, 2017
- Elephant Path, sketches that paint a picture of what we can learn about cities and the economy by trying to build working prototypes (Eng), or the Euler project publications, 2017
Participation & co-creation
- Towards Co-Ownership and Inclusive PED-development (Eng), in: Powering the energy transition at the district level, A practical guide for local initiators, Toolkit for the EU Cities4PEDs-project, oct 2023
- Collective Action is not an option(Eng), in: Ciudades Cohesionadas: Co-crear agendas urbanas incluyentes. México, 2022
- City Mine(d): bonding, bridging, linking (Nl), 2020
- Localism Act: Participatie of pacificatie (Nl), in: TerZake Magazine 2014-4, De Wakkere Burger
- Activist schrijft wet (Nl), in: Alert, Bral, 2014
- Level Playing Field, a programme enabling a first hand experience of limits and opportunities of co-creation (Eng), 2013
- Minerva - Methode voor Verhoogde Democratie (Nl), 2013
- Letter from North London (Nl), in: De Mensen maken de Stad. Bouwstenen voor een sociaalecologische toekomst, van Dirk Holemans [red.], Oikos, EPO 2012
- Plan voor Collectieve Actie in Geglobaliseerde Steden (Nl), in: Momenten, Demos, 24 november 2011
- Duurzame Steden volgens City Mine(d) (Nl), in: Momenten nr 5 – Demos – 16 november 2009
- Krax zijn ok! City Mine(d) over pingpong, wafels en het positieve van breuklijnen (Nl), in: Bral - Alert, Februari 2009
- Soft Structures- de stad als paradox, de stad die opties biedt, de stad als structuur, en tenslotte wat de toekomst in petto heeft voor de stad (Nl), in: “Momenten”, Demos, September 2009 (?)
- City Mine(d) as 'Participatory Platform' (En), in: "URBAN/ACT - A handbook for alternative practice", edited by Atelier d’Architecture Autogérée , aaa/PEPRAV, Paris, July 2007
Prototyping & system change
- Why prototype? Blind Spots and Learned Helplessness (Eng), 2023
- Roleplay Exercise on Boundary Objects - Manual (Eng), in: Powering the energy transition at the district level, A practical guide for local initiators, Toolkit for the EU Cities4PEDs-project, oct 2023
- Tactics for tough issues (Eng) - Tactiques pour Questions Épineuses (Fr), in: Multitudes 77, Majeure 77: Transformations énergétiques collectives, winter 2019
- Radical Prototyping (Eng), in: URBACT blog, 2017
- Urban Pancakes for system change: a new instrument for disruptive innovation in Urban Europe (Eng) - Paper for the JPI Urban Europe Symposium 27.10.2016 in Brussels, Susanne Meyer-Yves De Weerdt-Jim Segers
- Urban Interventions & The Architecture Of Systems (Eng), 2013
- Stedelijke coalities - Stedelijke Initiatieven: een terrein-perspectief met bevindingen en aanbevelingen van initiatiefnemers uit Barcelona, Brussel, Londen, Gent, Rotterdam, Rouen, Sint-Niklaas en Turnhout (Nl), in: voor-onderzoek Stedelijke Transitie en Transformatie voor Kenniscentrum Vlaamse Steden, 2013
Complexity mapping
- 2 decades of Mapping: a repertoire (Eng), 2024
- Friction Friche, in: Subjective Atlas of Brussels, Annelys de Vet (Ed.), 2018
- Towards: a subjective collective cartography (Eng-Fr), CityMine(d)-Constant-Recyclart (Ed.), 2008
- Mobilising Knowledge - The Politics of Mapping (Eng), in: UrbanBuzz, University College London, 2006
Smart City
- Sensors, big data and code (Eng), Medium, 2016
- Internet of Things (Eng), Medium 2016